5 Ways To Attract (And Keep) Top Young Talent To Your Workforce

Posted On June 06, 2015 Category Millenials, Recruiting

It’s no secret that the Millennial Generation is taking over the workforce. The number of people born between 1980 and 2000 is now 91 million strong, and they are beginning to impose their will on the job market and potential employers. And every business is eager to hire the best Millennial talent.

But, as you likely know, talented Millennials are extremely hard to hire. They have lofty expectations about what work should look like, are confident that they can land a job anywhere, and aren’t motivated by traditional attempts to woo prospects. So, how do you go about winning them over?

Here are five strategies you can apply to attract (and keep) top-level talent to your workforce.

Constantly Build An Irresistible Culture

Millennials believe that job happiness is critical to maintaining a healthy work/life balance. How do you facilitate job happiness? One word: culture. Research shows that culture outweighs a high salary for a large portion of young workers.

In layman’s terms, make work somewhere that employees want to be. Provide social opportunities for your teams to connect outside of projects and tasks. Replace the water cooler with a kegerator. Add an air hockey table to create spaces for your employees to socialize. Always ask, “What can we do to make this a place that people want to work?”

Create A Dynamic Space To Work

The aesthetic and vibe of your office can be an extremely important indicator to a Millennial recruit. It’s hard to convince prospective hires that you’re edgy, creative and fun when your office layout is a cubicle farm.

Introduce vivid colors and third spaces into your environment. Go with exposed beams, fluorescent light balances, and exposed ductwork for a more industrial feel. Opt for an open office layout with working hubs or stations that employees can choose to work at when they want to escape their desks.

Encourage (And Reward) Personal Development

Millennials are suckers for inspiration and greater causes. They prefer to take jobs that offer professional growth and personal development. How much do they prefer the latter? One study found that up to 65% of Millennials said that the opportunity to grow personally was the most influential factor in choosing a job.

The No. 1 reason Millennials leave an organization is due to lack of career opportunities. In my experience, it’s not because these opportunities didn’t exist within the company, but rather because the leaders didn’t communicate those opportunities. They were too busy bossing their talent that they forgot to coach their talent. – Ryan Jenkins

How can you facilitate this entrepreneurial spirit in a way that benefits your business? Provide coaching sessions and personal growth objectives that help your employees dominate their roles while setting them up for broader career success. The more you invest in their dreams and ambitions, the more likely you are to keep them around.

Provide Lots Of “Micro-Benefits”

Micro-benefits are small, non-financial perks that come with working for your company. They can include anything from complimentary healthy snacks, to half-day Fridays, to charging stations throughout the workplace. Why are these perks important? They show Millennials that you care about them.

People want to work for people, not companies. They want to know that they are valued, that their presence matters, and that they aren’t a replaceable cog in the system. Invest in lots of small complimentary perks and Millennials will pick up on the cue that you care about your employees.

Hang Your Hat On Results

People want to work on projects that are making a difference. They want to know that the hours they’ve spent on tasks have been fruitful and well spent. Build your culture around the concept that results are more important than hours, methods, and systems. Encourage creativity, expect failure, celebrate success, and prioritize mentorship – and you’ll build a culture that doesn’t settle for second best.

Go Get ‘Em

More than ever before, employers must prove themselves to prospective talent rather than the other way around. And with 45% of Millennials looking for new jobs in 2015, attracting them to your workforce will be a competitive venture. Focus on building your culture, invest in happiness, create a dynamic space to work, encourage your employees to dream big, and hang your hat on results – and you won’t have any trouble attracting the best talent.

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